Technology goes far, but it has not yet beaten the ingenious laboratory of nature itself. Exceptional species like yaks or Bactrian two hump camels, have developed over thousands of years unique fibers to help them survive in the most extreme conditions on Earth.
Yak and Bactrian Camels
Yaks and Bactrian camels are long-haired bovine, native to the Himalayas, Mongolia and Central Asia. Their wool is naturally soft and has evolved to protect them from the extreme temperatures of the region. The Bactrian - two humps - camels and yaks flourish in these harsh climates - they endure hot summers with sandstorms and the burning sun, as well as severe winters with snowstorms and winds, with temperatures dropping as low as -50 ° C, and altitudes well above 3000 meters. Both species have adapted to survive in these conditions, thanks to their unique hair.
As a clothing textile, the fiber feels heavenly, looks elegant and is 30% warmer than sheep's wool. The “down” is a specific fiber, which is located between the outer fibers, and the skin of the animal. Because of their luxuriously soft and warm undercoat, yaks are able to withstand merciless winters. Their wool is amongst the most ethical and sustainable winter yarns in modern existence, earning a top place as a regenerative fashion fiber.
For Le Chamois, the fibers which are used are from the 1-3 year old yaks and baby camels, as their fibers are the richest at that age. Camel calves younger than one-year-old are not part of this process, as they are still in need of their wool. As the fibers are naturally beautiful, with colors ranging between shades of beige, brown and platinum, there is no need for dyeing, or for the use of any types of preservatives for color enhancement.

Yak Down
Our products provide your baby and child with the ultimate comfort and protection from the cold. Designed in Switzerland, sourced and produced in Mongolia from the finest yak and baby camel down, Le Chamois' super-soft and highly durable garments are light-weight, breathable, water repellent and unbeatably warm; perfect for skiing, snowy adventures, and colder weather.
Coarse guard vs. fine down - yak down
Yak produces two types of fiber: coarse outer hair and a fine down fiber, which grows in autumn as extra protection against cold. Living in extreme weather conditions, they rely on their thick coats to keep them cozy. It's probably not surprising, then, that yak down is 10-15% warmer than Merino wool, silky soft, and comes without the itch factor. At the same time, it's extremely breathable.
Bactrian two-hump camel hair
Camel hair has two components: guard hair and undercoat. Guard hair is the outer protective fur, which is coarse and stiff. The undercoat, which is shorter and finer than guard hair, is not as protective but more insulating. It is very soft and frequently used to produce jackets. Guard hair may be blended to feel softer, to create fabrics suitable for outer sweaters and under-wear. This coarser hair is also used as a backing for carpets.
The Bactrian, or two-humped camel, also sheds in the spring. Camel hair is collected, separated into coarse outer fibers and fine under hairs. The long, dark brown, outer hairs are used for carpets, ropes, and even inexpensive artist brushes. The soft, short, light colored under hairs are called camel down. They are noted for their insulating properties and are most often used in sweaters, scarves, and blankets. To compare, the hair from the one-humped camel, is of poor quality and rarely used.

Why does Le Chamois use the inner layer when the outer hair is so weather protective?
Le Chamois uses the inner layer of the fibers, the ones closer to the skin as they are softer and lighter, keeping you warm and comfortable, but at the same time, breathable and durable. Under a microscope, the fiber is hollow inside, containing an air-filled matrix in the center that provides its excellent insulating qualities.